
Category: News

Maximizing Your Health Insurance Benefits Before The End Of The Year

Maximizing your health insurance benefits before the end of the year should be a priority for you and your family. Don’t give up extra benefits just because you are busy or have forgotten about these perks. Now is exactly the time to review what you are still entitled to.

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Farewell Dr. Steven Coyle

Dear Patients,Steven G. Coyle, MD, FACOG

It is with mixed emotions that I inform you of my intention to retire at the end of September. It has been my privilege to provide medical care to you over these many years, and I will miss you. I recently sold my home in Ojai, and my wife and I have relocated to Palm Desert.

I am glad that Dr. Gustafson and Dr. Reisman will continue to practice at our location along with Wendy Margolis, Wendy Steiger, Anne Chezar-Garnett, and our wonderful office staff. I am confident that they will take excellent care of you.

I thank you again for being a patient of mine and wish you the best.


Steven Coyle, MD, FACOG

5-Minute Procedure to Reduce Heavy Periods With NovaSure

1 in 5 women suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. More than just a hassle, they take physical, emotional, and social toll as well.

NovaSure®, a one-time, five-minute procedure lightens or ends your heavy period. With no pills or hormonal side effects, menstrual bleeding is dramatically reduced or stopped.

NovaSure Works in Four Simple Steps:

NovaSure first step

Your doctor slightly opens your cervix (the opening to the uterus), inserts a slender wand, and extends a triangular mesh device into the uterus




NovaSure second stepThe mesh gently expands, fitting to the size and shape of your uterus




NovaSure third stepPrecisely measured radio frequency energy is delivered through the mesh for about 90 seconds, gently removing the lining of the uterus




NovaSure four stepThe mesh device is pulled back into the wand and both are removed from the uterus





To learn more, check out our section on [NovaSure].

Ventura County OBGYN Offers Robotic Surgery

When medication and non-invasive procedures are unable to relieve symptoms, surgery remains the accepted and most effective treatment for a range of gynecologic conditions. These include, but are not limited to, cervical and uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse and menorrhagia or excessive bleeding.


The da Vinci S Surgical System


With da Vinci ®, small incisions are used to introduce miniaturized wristed instruments and a high-definition 3D camera. Seated comfortably at the da Vinci ® console, your surgeon views a magnified, high-resolution 3D image of the surgical site.


To learn more, check our our section on [da Vinci Surgery].

Robotic Surgery Solution to Uterine Fibroids

representing uterine fibroids could developda Vinci® Robotics offers a minimally invasive surgery option for uterine fibroids. The robotic myomectomy procedure combines the best of open and laparoscopic surgery.

The potential benefits of da Vinci Myomectomy as compared to traditional open abdominal surgery are:

  • Opportunity for future pregnancy
  • Significantly less pain
  • Fewer complications
  • Less scarring
  • A faster return to normal daily activities

To see if a da Vinci Myomectomy is right for you check out our section on [da Vinci Myomectomy].


Ventura County Offering Robotic Gynecologic Surgery

Only da Vinci ® overcomes the limitations of both traditional open surgery and conventional minimally invasive surgery. The da Vinci ® System is a sophisticated robotic platform designed to expand the surgeon’s capabilities – and for the first time – offer a minimally invasive option for major surgery. Surgeons at Ventura County Obstetric & Gynecologic Medial Group Inc. are specially trained for the robotic surgery procedure.

With da Vinci ®, small incisions are used to introduce miniaturized wristed instruments and a high-definition 3D camera. Seated comfortably at the da Vinci ® console, your surgeon views a magnified, high-resolution 3D image of the surgical site.

To learn more, check out our section on [da Vinci ® Surgery].


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