1 in 5 women suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. More than just a hassle, they take physical, emotional, and social toll as well.
NovaSure®, a one-time, five-minute procedure lightens or ends your heavy period. With no pills or hormonal side effects, menstrual bleeding is dramatically reduced or stopped.
NovaSure Works in Four Simple Steps:
Your doctor slightly opens your cervix (the opening to the uterus), inserts a slender wand, and extends a triangular mesh device into the uterus
The mesh gently expands, fitting to the size and shape of your uterus
Precisely measured radio frequency energy is delivered through the mesh for about 90 seconds, gently removing the lining of the uterus
The mesh device is pulled back into the wand and both are removed from the uterus
To learn more, check out our section on [NovaSure].