To Our Wonderful Patients,
It has been our privilege and honor to provide OBGYN care to our community for the past 47 years at our current location. Regrettably, we will be closing our private practice on June 1, 2025. Dr. Gustafson and Wendy Margolis will be transitioning to the Community Memorial Healthcare (CMHC) outpatient facility at 120 North Ashwood Avenue in Ventura. They will also continue to see patients at the Centers for Family Health (CFH) in Santa Paula and Fillmore.
Many of our amazing staff members will also be transitioning to the CFH. Dr. Reisman and Wendy Steiger will be retiring from the clinical practice of OBGYN. Dr. Reisman will continue in his role as Vice President for Physician Affairs at CMHC. Wendy Steiger will continue her consultative practice for sexual counseling and can be contacted through her website at or by calling 805-212-0992.
We hope to make this transition as seamless as possible for our patients. Those of you who choose to continue your care with Dr. Gustafson and Wendy Margolis can call 805-948-6353 to schedule an appointment at any of the three CFH locations. Ventura on Ashwood, Santa Paula or Fillmore. Our obstetric patients will be given follow-up appointments to see them at the CFH in June at the time of their OB visit in May. Dr. Gustafson will continue to participate in the 24/7 OB call group at CMH.
Effective June 1, 2025, CMHC will become the custodian of our medical records. They will be made available to Dr. Gustafson and Ms. Margolis at the time of your appointment at the CFH. We will be happy to forward your medical records to a physician of your choice prior to June 1st. We will require a medical release form that can be obtained on our website or in office. The records will be available within 10 business days.
If you would like a copy of your medical records, we will supply one copy free of charge one time. As we have paper charts if you have a long history with us, only pertinent records will be copied (most recent office visits, surgical operative notes, pathology, abnormal history, etc). Quest lab, CMH and Rolling Oaks all have patient portals available to obtain their records as well (paps, mammograms, lab results).
If you would like a copy of your medical records after June 1st, you can request a copy in person, mail, fax, or email once you have downloaded the appropriate form from If you need to speak with someone regarding your medical records, you may contact the HIM department directly at 805-948-5047 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
We cherish the many wonderful experiences that we have shared with you spanning three generations and we are humbled by the trust that you have placed in us. On behalf of all the providers and support staff here at Ventura County Ob/Gyn, we have been honored to provide you with the highest quality and most compassionate care possible. We wish you all the best for health and happiness in the years to come.